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1 (800) 876 6071
Trade Payable Financing

Trade Payable Financing

Over 3,600+ clients funded
Pay Suppliers with our Money and Get a Rebate
Boost your buying leverage
Credit up to $10 million
Keep your bank line
No up font fees to set up
No financial required
Funding in 3-5 days
Rates at
0.69% to 1.59%
Accredited business BBB logo
We Lend MORE Than The Bank

Trade Payable Financing

Quick Pay to suppliers using our money!
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1st Commercial Credit Trade Payable Credit

1st Commercial Credit can accommodate creditworthy Buyers with a new financial service that provides additional working capital to pay suppliers. Up To $10 Million Credit Limit - $100k Minimum Spend.

What are the qualifications needed for Trade Payable Finance?

  1. Buyers must be profitable
  2. USA based buyers only
  3. Minimum $3 million a month in revenue
  4. Must be credit insurable
  5. High trades history and current balances
  6. No need for subordinations from Bank
  7. All industries at this time qualify
  8. All vendors / suppliers qualify
  9. All international vendors / suppliers qualify

What Is Trade Payable Financing?

Trade finance is the process of financing goods or services in a trade or transaction, that goes from a supplier to the end buyer. The term "trade finance" refers to a wide range of financial instruments.

Why Buyers Choose Our Trade Payable Platform
Start using our money in 3 to 5 days.
Credit availability from up to $10 million
Does not interfere with your lender
No API or software integration required
Free vendor portal & easy onboarding
Pay suppliers that need faster payments
Easier way to pay international suppliers
Any vendor can be accepted
No merchant network to join
Eliminates the need for letters of credit

Purchase order financing, invoice financing, supply chain finance, and letters of credit (LCs) are a few examples. Importers or exporters can employ these financial tools. Trade payable financing is a program that allows a company (buyer) to extend the payment terms of its purchases from vital suppliers by partnering up with 1st Commercial Credit. We will pay the suppliers on behalf of your company on the due date and collect from the company later. The suppliers don't have to be legally involved in this arrangement, making it a quick and straightforward process. Trade payable finance works best for those companies sourcing from crucial suppliers and looking to extend the payment terms. Trade financing, also known as import and export finance, is an important economic driver for development since it keeps maintaining credit flowing throughout supply chains.

Trade Payable Service for Buyers

You can immediately free up liquidity by using our funds alongside your bank line of credit.

Take advantage of early payment discounts offered by vital suppliers or extend payment terms. Your company can access up to $10 million in purchasing power within 3 working days. Maximize your bottom line by saving on early payment discounts. In summary, we pay your company to make money by using our services.

Financing rates at

Use Our Money To Pay Suppliers

Are you passing up on early payment discounts to suppliers? Why? Take advantage of our trade payable program and earn cash back rebates using our payables platform.

Continue posting payables as you always do.
We pay your supplier minus a discount fee.
Pays us back with your standard terms.
Optional pay early & get a rebate, it's that simple!
Keep your bank line of credit in place.
Procurement Credit Card for Trade Payables

Up To $10 Million for Qualified Buyers. Initiate our easy to use payables platform and start making money today!

What Makes our Trade Payable Financing Different?

Buyers can easily sign on with minimal paperwork within 3 to 5 days. Avoid the laundry list of items required by other lenders to setup.

Too many supply chain finance companies make this too complicated. We made it a simple process to apply with a 2 page application for buyers to set up. Once we set up the account, the buyer then provides us with the vendors and invoices they want to pay and we pay the suppliers. It's that simple!.

1st Commercial Credit is not the first company to offer this type of service, however we believe we have the most user friendly system out there with the highest buyer rebates.

Why is Trade Payable Finance Becoming a Popular Choice for Buyers?

Vendor payment programs are here to stay and the concept is growing as more buyers are learning about the early payment discount profit center.

Besides the basic understanding of buyers now having more access to money and are eagerly chasing down early payment discounts, what are the other issues and concerns that are driving buyers away from the factoring industry.

  1. Buyers have more incentive to participate in the action as they are learning that some suppliers are needing faster payments. They now see it as a profit center when they realize suppliers are willing to give up a discount through either setting up an account with a factoring company or offer 2% or 3 % off for early payment from the buyer.
  2. Buyers no longer want to be sending payments to a third party and prefer to make out the payments to vendors directly.
  3. Buyers are annoyed by invoice factoring companies calling for verifications of the invoice and have to keep up with notice of assignments. Sometimes leading to legal issues due to payments going to the vendor instead of the factoring company.

If you're a distributor, manufacturer, or you're buying goods internationally, using trade payable financing can help your business conserve cash and streamline operations. This financing method works by having 1st Commercial Credit pay your supplier directly or reimburse you for payments you have already made. In short, cash flow lenders can relieve cash flow issues by financing a purchase at a more generous advance rate or over a more extended period. Some benefits of trade payable financing for buyers include:

  • Extend payment terms for purchases from crucial suppliers
  • The buyer defines the payment term
  • It is a straightforward and fast service to implement
  • Can be classified as Trade Financing or Trade Payables rather than Financial Debt
Request A Callback Today!
Receivable Financing Rates
From 0.69% to 1.59%
Quick Approval Process!
Easy Set-Up in 3 to 5 Days.
No Financials up to $350k.
Over 20+ years in business.
Schedule A Callback

Why Do Trade Payable Platforms Fail Or Are Not Used After Implementation?

It's all about ease of use, short setup cycle and 100% vendor approval without waiting on a network to process documentation.

There are many trade payable finance companies in the market to choose from. The reality is buyers need an easy process to apply, easy method to approve vendors, and a fast and flexible system for the internal staff to learn the process. If the system is too difficult for the accounts payable department to track and pay suppliers with additional work and multiple processes, it will fail. If the system requires a 50+ page document for the suppliers to sign up for the program, it will fail. The main focus is to maintain very few steps for the supplier to submit an invoice and the payables department to approve, authorize to pay and track.

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We Attract Clients That Experience:
Growing faster than their cash flow.
Uneven seasonal sales volume.
Slow cash flow due to a slow payments.
Need import payable financing.
Factoring Rates at 0.69% to 1.59%.
Require Funding in 3 to 5 days.
Lose their line of credit at the bank.
Need export receivable financing.
Require purchase order financing.
Request A Quote

If the system is too complicated, or the buyer has to hire and payout an IT company to setup API integration in order to communicate with the trade payable service provider. These obstacles should not exist and will discourage buyers from continuing the implementation process the leads to a complete halt.

1st Commercial Credit makes it very simple with no software cost or integration needed.

Trade Payable Financing