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Need A Cash Flow Lender?

Need A Cash Flow Lender?

Over 3,600+ clients funded
No up front fees to set up
No financial required
Funding in 3-5 days
Is Your Business Outpacing Your Operating Cash?
Rates at
0.69% to 1.59%
Accredited business BBB logo
We Lend MORE Than The Bank

Need A Cash Flow Lender?

Is Your Business Outpacing Your Operating Cash?
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Do You Need A Cash Flow Lender?

There are many different elements that affect business cash flow.

The proactive business professional will spend a great deal of time trying to understand the available cash situation with his business and then identify the many ways that he can improve his company's financial situation. When you examine the origins of a company's revenue, you start to see many different ways that a company such as a receivable cash flow lender can help your organization to reach its goals and establish a stable economic foundation on which your corporation can successfully grow.

It takes vision to be able to properly plan for the kind of cash flow your company needs. If a company is struggling to pay bills in good economic times, then a recession or other financial challenge could be fatal to that organization.

Receivable Financing Rates at 0.69% to 1.59%
20+ Years In business
Fast Approval Process
No Up Front Fees to Set up
No Financials Required
Low Credit Score Accepted
3 to 5 Day Initial Setup
Free Invoicing Software
Over 3,600+ Clients Funded

The best approach is to take a look at your cash flow history and determine how you can create revenue streams that will keep your company operating in good economic times and in a recession. The financial ups and downs of owning a company are what helps a company to learn and be able to remain resilient in executing growth plans.

It All Starts With Your Aging Reports

The genesis of any company's financial situation is its aging reports that lists the status of outstanding receivables.

One of the ideal ways of financing cash flow is to collect on outstanding invoices on or before their due date. But as long as your company has customers, you will also have past due invoices that can go anywhere from 30 days past due and up. This is the primary reason why your revenue stream is slowed and why your company struggles to find ways to pay its ongoing financial obligations.

The difficult part is that your customers expect you to maintain proper levels of inventory while you are still waiting for them to pay their bills. This creates an "us versus them" scenario with your clients that can be a slippery slope towards business failure. No matter how far behind your past due invoices manage to put your company, you cannot allow that situation to result in animosity towards your client base.

Woman owned business uses Cash Flow used for business operations and inventory

1st Commercial Credit has many cash flow transactions completed for all types of industries. Always consider a cash flow lender that provides prompt evaluations of your business that can make the timing difference.

You need your customers to grow your business and you need to maintain a high level of professionalism towards your customers at all times. The solution is to find a way to accept purchase orders from your clients and still maintain the revenue stream you need to be profitable.

We Attract Clients That Experience:
Factoring Rates at 0.69% to 1.59%
Growing faster than their cash flow
Uneven seasonal sales volume
Slow cash flow due to a slow payments
Need import payable financing
Require Funding in 3 to 5 days
Lose their line of credit at the bank
Need export receivable financing
Require purchase order financing

Purchase Orders Should Be Looked At As Collateral And Assets

When you hear the terms "collateral" and "assets" used in relation to financing a business, the first reaction is to think of bank lending. But a bank will never look at your purchase orders as collateral for the kind of funding you need to keep your company operating and keep your vendors happy. The truth is that legitimate purchase orders that lead to verifiable invoices with creditworthy clients are collateral, but only if you find the right kind of cash flow lender to work with.

The mistake that too many business owners make is that they consider a bank to be the only kind of organization that can do any kind of lending for cash flow. But banks do not have the flexibility or the experience necessary to help turn your outstanding invoices into the kind of immediate cash you need to keep your company open for business. You need to talk to a company that has extensive experience in lending on receivables in a way that turns your outstanding invoices into assets.

Trucking Companies use Cash Flow Lenders

1st Commercial Credit Breaks That Seemingly Endless Cycle. When your cash availability is hampered by slow paying customers, you do not have the funds you need to meet your ongoing obligations.

1st Commercial Credit looks at your verifiable invoices as collateral and is ready to advance you the cash you need to operate your business at full capacity.

Why Choose Us
Accounts Receivable Financing is our Business.
$10,000 & up to $10 million Facilities
Set up in 3 to 5 working days
No facility fees - No Audit Fees
No Monthly Minimums
Financing Rates at 0.69% - 1.59%
No Financials Required
No up-front fees - No hidden fees
We Make Same Day Decisions
No Invoice Minimum Fees

1st Commercial Credit Is A Cash Flow Lender

1st Commercial Credit is an international leader in receivables lending options for small to medium sized businesses.

A successful business owner spends a fair amount of time expanding his network of professional contacts to include as many cash flow lenders as possible. But few of those companies will be as valuable as 1st Commercial Credit. We are not a bank. We are a company that lends funds based on the strength of your outstanding invoices. Our process ensures that you only utilize cash that you have on hand and that you never get buried in more bank debt.
A bank can take weeks to make a final decision and you often do not have weeks to wait. If you are trying to fund your payroll, then your cash revenue is the best option you have. But if that cash is not always available, then you run into serious problems.

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1st Commercial Credit Uses Your Invoices To Create A Business Line Of Credit

The 1st Commercial Credit method makes certain that your cash is available and that you always have what you need to meet your important and ongoing financial obligations.

1st Commercial Credit has been advancing money against the face value of approved invoices for years. We have extensive experience working with clients in industries such as government contracting, IT support, product distribution, trucking and temporary staffing. We understand your company's economic issues and we have flexible programs that we can customize to your needs. Instead of burying your bottom line in more interest debt, we help create a flexible business line of credit that expands as your invoiced sales increase.

We are a business that lends money based on collateral that your company takes in every single day. Your outstanding invoices to customers who have acceptable credit become assets that you can use to help strengthen your company's financial situation.

Oil Service Men Working on Drilling

1st Commercial Credit uses your approved invoices as collateral against cash advances that will keep your company operating at peak efficiency. Our services will offer you critical cash during good economic times and during recessions.

But it only works when you allow an experienced lender such as 1st Commercial Credit to help you maximize your invoices and get the cash you need right away.

The Biggest Difference Is In The Process

Since 1st Commercial Credit is not a bank, it is not constricted by the same things that make bank factoring extremely inconvenient. When you try to borrow funds from a bank, or when you try to utilize factoring services from a bank, you have a long application process and the potential for fees that you did not expect. You may also have to produce credit information about your company that would limit the services that a bank would be willing to offer. In the end, utilizing a bank is just not an efficient way to get the most from the purchase orders that your company is collecting.

Get A Quick $350,000 in 3 to 5 Working Days
WE Lend more than the BANK and Make Same Day Decisions
WE Accept Low Credit Scores
Purchase Order Funding Available
No Financials Required
Financing Rates at 0.69% - 1.59%
WE Fund Faster than Any Bank
Term Loans to Existing Clients
No Up-Front Fees To Set Up
Custom Rates Available
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