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Invoice Factoring In South Dakota
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What Is The Difference Between Asset Based Lending And Accounts Receivable Financing?

An asset-based loan (ABL) is a loan or line of credit secured using a company's assets as collateral. The collateral used can be the accounts receivable, equipment, inventory, and other assets. Most asset-based loans are structured as lines of credit that allow companies in South Dakota to access funds to make investments, pay business expenses, or cover payroll. The lending company uses the assets' established value to determine the borrowing base, the sum of money your business can borrow. The borrowing base is a percentage of the market value of the assets. Lenders providing this type of financing often offer a loan-to-value ratio of 75% to 90% for accounts receivable. Other collateral, such as equipment and inventory, is financed at a lower loan-to-value ratio, usually 50% or less.

On the other hand, invoice factoring is a financing method in which a lending company buys accounts receivable in exchange for immediate cash (upfront payment). Factoring helps businesses experiencing cash flow shortages caused by waiting weeks or months for customers to pay invoices. While factoring transactions sometimes resemble a line of credit, they are more structured as a "sale." For each invoice purchase, you and the lending company will go through a purchase agreement.

As part of the purchasing process, the factoring company notifies the payer (your customer) of the purchase and verifies the invoice. Many sectors are using this type of financing because invoice factoring doesn't require credit checks to qualify. Factoring falls under the asset-based financing umbrella, and that is why it is commonly confused with asset-based lending.

While these solutions have some similarities, they are very different. The following comparison will help you understand the differences between these products and help you determine which one will be the best for your business.

Differences When Comparing Asset-Based Lending To Invoice Factoring
Asset-based loans and factoring services can look similar but, these products have significant differences to be aware of, including: 

Size — Most asset-based loans start with a pre-established borrowing base depending on the industry and collateral used and can go up to a few million. On the other hand, factoring financing lines offer more flexibility, have no minimums, and work with startups and small businesses.

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Risk — ABL's are only for larger and more established companies. While these companies could still struggle to qualify for bank financing, they are well on their way to being "bankable." On the other hand, the option to factor receivables is available to all companies, including recently established and expanding companies that are not eligible for conventional bank financing. Because of this, factoring is considered a riskier form of funding for the lending company. 

Cost — In general, asset-based loans are considerably cheaper than invoice factoring. This makes sense because asset-based loans are usually for bankable, well-established, and larger businesses that may not involve many risks. In contrast, the factoring company assumes a considerably bigger risk by working with newer and smaller businesses with invoice factoring. The price of a factoring line is established by discounting the total value of the invoice by a percentage. Discounts can range from 0.69% to 1.59% per 30 days. On the other hand, asset-based loan prices are calculated at an annual percentage rate. This yearly percentage on ABL's can range from 7% to 15%, and many variables, such as line size and risk, can impact the final costs.

Invoice factoring company in South Dakota

Discretion — The lending company will not contact your customers to inform them about the lender's involvement with asset-based loans. This means your business will continue to handle your receivables collections and retain a crucial relationship with your customers. In contrast, because the factoring company owns your invoices, they will be the ones contacting your customer for payment. Suppose an invoice isn't paid by the due date.

In that case, your customer can expect a follow-up call from the factoring company inquiring about the payment. In addition, factoring companies generally will require that your customer make checks payable directly to them and your customers will inevitably be informed about the factoring company's involvement.

Most business owners in South Dakota prefer to use asset-based loans over factoring due to their overall cost and flexibility. Still, asset-based loans typically have high due diligence costs and are available only to companies that meet their collateral and size requirements. On the contrary, factoring is open to companies of all sizes, has minimal due diligence costs, and is easier to get. 1st Commercial Credit is an experienced lending company working with many different businesses in various industries in South Dakota. We have 18+ years of experience providing programs for businesses to borrow money against invoices and asset-based lending services. If your South Dakota business is struggling with cash flow issues because of rapid growth or slow-paying customers, we can help. Contact us today for an assessment and learn more about the many benefits we can provide to your business. 

Why Do Agriculture Businesses Work With Factoring Companies?

Agribusinesses in South Dakota coming to us for financing solutions usually have the same cash flow problems. Growers generally want cash on delivery or pickup, and customers want extended credit terms that can range from 14 to 21 days or more. This situation can cause a tremendous cash flow gap when you are trying to grow your company.

The agriculture and produce sector is undoubtedly one of the most crucial sectors for any state in the country. At the same time, running a business in this industry involves a complex process that involves lots of hard work and financial struggles from time to time. On top of that, agriculture-related companies do not work alone. Today's farming process involves numerous entities seemingly working together to bring food to the American families' tables.

To make everything work smoothly, farms require reliable and consistent financing. Yet farming businesses often work with slim margins and seasonal sales that banks generally do not want to lend on. An accounts receivable credit line in the produce industry allows agriculture companies to access the funds needed to harvest and ship their crops while meeting the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA).

Invoice factoring for agribusinesses in South Dakota

The timely delivery of perishable produce is crucial for agricultural businesses, and failing to do so can result in significant business losses. Fortunately, 1st Commercial Credit can offer financing methods with fast and straightforward processes. The setup process for our agriculture financing program involves filling out a 2-page online application. In most cases, businesses can have the money they need in a matter of days rather than weeks or months. 

Factoring produce receivables is a financing alternative to conventional loans and lines of credit. Unlike banks and other financial institutions, which require perfect credit history and often ask for substantial collateral to secure funding, factoring for agriculture puts money in your hands without making you go through an expensive, time-consuming, and painful process. 

Agriculture receivable factoring offers many significant advantages, including: 

  • Quick funding- Cash will be received in 24 hours or less after invoice verification. 
  • No new debt acquired- Agriculture factoring is not a loan, and it does not create debt for your business. 
  • Financial flexibility - You can select which invoices you want to send us for factoring. We also don't have minimum or maximum amounts to factor. You also are free to use the money where you need it most.
  • Build or improve your company's credit- Factoring can help you pay off existing debt and increase your credit score.

1st Commercial Credit is a leader in accounts receivable financing for startups, small and medium-sized businesses that can provide various lending options for all agriculture-related companies in South Dakota. We have the experience and resources to help companies to meet their business obligations. Business owners come to 1st Commercial Credit to take advantage of their still invoices and obtain immediate funds. 

What is a Factoring Company?

A factoring company (or accounts receivable factoring) converts invoices sold on credit terms to  immediate working capital at a discount. It has become a simple, fast and easy way to access business cash flow. In comparison with a traditional bank loan, a company that factors receivables has a quicker approval process.

1st Commercial Credit is a company that factors and specializes in evaluating accounts receivable and can make a prompt approval decision. The documentation requirements are not as lengthy, and the main requirement is that an applicant has invoices for work or orders that have already been satisfied. It also helps to have creditworthy customers. As long as a business has been in operation, meets revenue requirements, and is free of liens or legal issues, approval is likelier.

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1st Commercial Credit is an experienced lending company providing quick receivables funding services for your South Dakota company today. Produce and agriculture distributors can use the cash to resolve cash flow shortages and cover payroll, delivery, and pickup costs. A business owner's ability to grow a business will depend on their ability to manage your business's day-to-day finances. For many growing companies, one of the most common issues is cash flow. Especially for those companies just starting, maintaining a consistent and healthy cash flow is a huge problem. 

1st Commercial Credit has a short and easy process and usually approves applications the same day it receives them. Once we have approved an application, businesses will have access to advanced funds against qualified invoices within 24 hours of invoices verification. The cost of factoring depends on the industry, having creditworthy customers, and the invoice management process. We offer competitive factoring rates, and if you contact us, we can provide a more in-depth evaluation and funding proposal for your business.

Factoring manufacturing firms in South Dakota

Manufacturing Businesses Use Accounts Receivable Factoring To Maintain A Stable Source Of Cash Flow

Factoring companies specialize in financing solutions such as invoice factoring and asset-based loans. Invoice loans and purchase order funding arrangements are the perfect solutions for many small and medium-sized manufacturers struggling to get the working capital they need to fulfill orders and keep up with operations.

By taking advantage of these lending services, manufacturers in South Dakota can begin planning for future growth and not worry about cash flow issues that could potentially hurt the business.

Accounts receivable loans unlock access to immediate cash by using the manufacturer's unpaid invoices. Many manufacturing companies have to wait a long time before receiving final payment from customers, and this solution releases the cash tied to these outstanding invoices. This alternative allows businesses to take care of daily operations. Accounts receivables represent a line of credit extended by a factoring company like 1st Commercial Credit.

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Most businesses in the manufacturing industry have to accommodate and sell to their customers on credit terms. This means the goods and services will be delivered immediately by the manufacturing company, and it will then send an invoice and get paid a few weeks or even months after the delivery. Having many orders is excellent, but the problem arises when some of these orders are being paid late or not paid at all, affecting your business.

Cash flow problems can put a stop to the timely delivery of goods to customers. Regardless of the manufacturing company you run, it would help to meet daily business expenses if you had sufficient working capital. 1st Commercial Credit can offer a reliable financial solution to help business owners navigate this situation and solve their cash flow situation.

Cash flow shortages can also affect the possibility of making crucial upgrades such as buying new equipment or hiring professionals. Manufacturing financing can help a manufacturing company complete projects on time and meet the increasing demand, both crucial for success. Fortunately, a factoring company for manufacturing can bring the funds needed to take care of some essential financial responsibilities. These funds can also be used to fund growth and pay off existing debt. A factoring arrangement can be either short-term or under a long-term agreement, giving businesses the flexibility to select the best arrangement for them.

We Factor Your Invoices Anywhere In The State Of South Dakota:
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Is Your South Dakota (SD) Transportation Company Facing An Abundance of Upfront Costs and Need Funding?

Companies in the trucking and transportation industry in South Dakota, including shipping and logistics, are aware and routinely face disparities between completing the work versus the length of time it takes for customers to pay. Whether you are a broker, an independent driver, or a large logistics organization, the gap between the work and the payment for the work can lead to several financial problems and cash flow issues.While it is typical for the transportation industry to extend 30, 60, or even 90 days credit to most customers, this extended payment period can create some significant problems while awaiting payments to come in.

Some trucking companies might have solid cash reserves to deal with this situation, but most businesses face challenges. As with any other business, you have bills to pay, and those bills have to be liquidated every month without the option to "extend credit." This whole situation may not sound fair, but it is the reality and the nature of the transportation industry. With that said, business owners can improve their cash flow and get access to that cash sooner with a financial solution called "factoring."

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Many people confuse invoice or receivable factoring with a traditional loan, but it is not. To qualify for a conventional loan from other financial institutions like a bank, businesses must meet many different criteria, including providing evidence of collateral and good and long-standing credit history. If you have a small business or startup, the chances of qualifying for an unsecured loan decrease considerably. Most banks are unwilling to extend credit, particularly to small companies without significant collateral. Receivable financing is not a loan but rather a convenience fee paid to a financing company that is willing to advance the value of your customer accounts receivable invoices. They are not lending you money; they simply allow you to have immediate access to a high percentage of the total value of the invoices that you know will be processed in the next one to three months. It is a great way to unlock additional liquidity for your business and resolve the sales and cash flow imbalance.

Invoice factoring for trucking companies in South Dakota

When a business uses the services of transportation factoring companies, it is as if they were receiving upfront payment from the customer. This financing alternative becomes the lending company's responsibility to collect the amount directly from the customer. The business can retain a positive relationship with its customer as the factoring agency is the one that contacts the client if the invoice is late. While the company can expect to pay from 2-3% every month for the service, it can be a valuable and effective alternative.

Business owners in the logistics business deal with some of the slowest paying accounts receivables in any industry. The reason is that logistics services and fees are often paid by several contractors depending on the product's shipping duration. The multiple levels inherent in the way logistics and shipping companies do business lead to extended payment deadlines. It is yours, but you can't get your hands on that income just yet and it doesn't matter whether your company needs it or not. 

There are many benefits to working with a factoring company. These cash lenders will provide varied fees for doing the same thing, so doing sufficient research beforehand to find the one that can offer your business the best to better fulfill its needs and goals is crucial. Bank loans can be challenging to obtain. The popular business loan is typically tricky to get for most small and medium-sized businesses, but turning to a receivable factoring company can be a reliable, accessible, and convenient solution for transportation and logistics organizations.